About Us
Innovative Agriculture (Agro) Industry Ltd. (IAI) is a member of the LR Group, a leading Project Development Company, active worldwide since 1986.
The Group completed over 400 profitable projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and South America in the fields of:
IAI began its activities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) agricultural sector in 2011. IAI’s projects in PNG encompass a wide range of activities such as farming, greenhouses, poultry, processing and dairy. All projects integrate and implement Israeli knowledge and expertise leading to enhanced production capabilities and profitability.
Our projects generated over 1,000 new direct job opportunities employing Papua New Guineans of all walks of life, from university graduates, professionals to general staff.
Our projects further engage hundreds of small scale farmers that supply our Agro Industrial Centres (AIC), turning subsistence farmers into cash cropping farmers.
Each Agro Industrial Centre (AIC) is tailored for its location and the market demand, and together they create a value and supply chain providing food security, import replacement and local capacity building.

A commercially-oriented, modern, high-intensity vegetable farm that produces the majority of fresh vegetables available in the capital Port Moresby. The farm includes six hectares of greenhouses with advanced drip irrigation and climate control systems. By introducing modern farming to the region, 9 Mile Farm is promoting food security, offering long term employment prospects and replacing expensive food imports.
A detailed feasibility study for a 120MW scalable to 320MW hydro power plant at the Tagari river in Hela Province, aiming to supply affordable and reliable electricity to the Highlands communities. The study included a detailed analysis of all the technical and environmental aspects, economic viability and potential off-takers for the Hela Project.
An Agro-Industrial Services and Training Centre, located in the rural area of Sirunki (Enga Province) that grows, processes and markets vegetables – focusing on premium strawberries, potatoes, onions and carrots. The AIC relies on engagement with smallholders and has achieved widespread positive social impact in the region.
The Ilimo Dairy Farm represents a holistic approach to a “Grass to Glass” enterprise. The sustainable dairy farm includes a high-tech milking parlour and a dairy processing plant, together with intensive field crop cultivation to supply stock feed. The farm is in the vanguard of establishing a viable local dairy industry that ultimately will replace the need for imported dairy products in PNG.
The Koroba Agro Industrial Centre (AIC) located in the far Hela Province, focuses on the production of eggs and fresh vegetables that meet international quality standards, otherwise unavailable in the area. The center supplies both commercial clients such as the catering services of the PNG LNG project as well as the local market.
A state-of the-art modern agricultural facility that produces quality poultry meat. The AIC has sophisticated infrastructure, provides highly effective training, and enables producers to take advantage of significant economies of scale. The Tari Piwa AIC enhances the value of agricultural production in the province for the welfare of the population and to drive economic growth.
A table egg and broiler production farm in Tabubil, Western Province, catering to the needs of the local market. Initiated by OK Tedi Development Foundation, this unique partnership between IAI and six OK Tedi mine landowner villages (Atemkit, Finalbin, Bultem, Kavorabip, Migalsimbip, and Wangbin) supplies eggs and live birds to the local communities and commercial clients in the region.
The first 100% Papua New Guinea locally made Frozen French fries. The processing plant is a modern state-of-the art frozen fruits and vegetables facility, equipped with a unique and innovative IQF(Individually Quick Freezing) processing line . The project is a game changer for local farmers in the Highlands region; providing them with the all-important missing market access as their vegetables such as potatoes, ‘kaukau’(sweet potato) and taro are procured from local farmers, processed and sold throughout Papua New Guinea.
This project aims to form a foundation for modern commercial agriculture on the Sepik Plains. The initial flagship enterprise will be a pioneering Industry AIC based on grain production and stock feed processing, poultry production, a commercial cocoa plantation and processing centre. The poultry production farm will cater for the needs of the local market and supply meat and eggs as a source of fresh protein throughout the region.
A detailed feasibility study jointly funded by Exxon Mobil, Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) and the District and Provincial Administrations of Hela Province, for a large scale coffee development project in Hela Province, to rejuvenate the coffee industry in the Province, including planting 15 million new coffee trees as well developing a maize program to provide feed to the layers’ farm in Koroba and the poultry farm in Piwa. The study covers the physical, ecological, social, regulatory agriculture, industry, design and financial modelling aspects of the project.
Innovative Agro Industry (IAI) together with PNG sustainable development program (PNGSDP), commenced the establishment of A diversified commercial agricultural venture in Daru and Oriomo, in the South Fly District of the Western Province. The aquaculture and vanilla greenhouse project complemented by out-grower participation, is set to transform the livelihood of the people of Daru island.
To provide the water requirements of this venture, given the dire state of the Daru water grid, a first of its kind SOLAR ENERGY POWERED DESALINATION PLANT will be established by IAI. This innovative solution will provide the needs of both the project and Daru’s residents for reliable power and clean potable water.
The solar powered desalination plant provides an average of 1,500CM of drinking water daily with scalable capacity of up to 2,000CM. the source of energy runs on Photo Voltaic Power, an alternative environmentally friendly energy solution providing consistent energy for 24/7 water supply.
The state-of-the-art PV power generation system includes the most advanced module technology available, with a capacity of 1 MWp and 2.8 MWh energy storage battery, which supplies 1.6GWh annually. Both the solar array and storage system are fully scalable to meet future increase in water demand.
The Daru project is shining example of how an investment in agriculture brings development to nearby communities in many aspects including capacity building, job creation, sustainability and the delivery of essential services such as potable drinking water and electricity.
A sustainable economic business model for growing and farming vanilla in the Fly River precinct in Western Province through the implementation of commercial vanilla production in the Kiunga area of North Fly, Western Province. The vanilla commercial venture is complemented by out-grower participation.
Integrated irrigation and fertigation solution designed for the Department of Agriculture of the Republic of the Philippines to increase crop yields (mainly rice) while significantly reducing crop cultivation and farmers’ costs. SPFS technology enables a second annual cycle of crop cultivation during the dry season while eliminating the cost and environmental impact of using diesel powered irrigation. Furthermore, the use of integrated fertigation capability, combined with sophisticated monitoring solution and precision Israeli agriculture technology, increases each crop yield by at least 50%.
Two fully-functional pilot systems, designed for two typical plots: 8 Hectares and 32 Hectares, have already been installed near the city of Lumban (Philippines), and have demonstrated outstanding results.

Developing sustainable and profitable agriculture projects that improve standard of living by creating employment, investing in downstream processing, capacity building and training; leading to better access to market (both domestic & international) turning subsistence farmers into cash-cropping farmers.
What makes us Unique:
Proven track record in high-growth economies
Creative tailor-made solutions and multi-disciplinary capabilities
Innovative technology and a deep understanding of local market dynamics
End-to-end solution capabilities in executing greenfield projects, including experience in initiating, launching, executing and managing a range of ventures
Proven ability in raising funds and investments
Knowledge transfer – establish an array of local professionals that will continue to deliver and implement their acquired skills throughout and beyond project life
Focus on sustainability – our projects integrate social and environmental aspects, ensuring long-term positive impact on involved communities

Real Milk! Real Local!
Real Fruit, Natural Flavours
Quality Fresh Produce
Perfect Potato & Kaukau for the Perfect Chip!
Enga Fresh Produce
Kaikai bilong ol Ori PS!
Quality Eggs
Innovative Agro Industry
Kuk Farm
Enga AIC
Sepik Fresh
Ilimo Dairy Farm
Want to work with us?
send you CV to: Jobs@iaipng.com
(+675) 7294 5305
Postal Address:
PO Box 1462, Boroko, NCD, Papua New Guinea
Office Location:
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea